Join a group

New groups begiN in February

Groups are the easiest and quickest way to deepen your relationship with God and develop friendships with others at Journey.

Groups are made up of 10-15 people that meet weekly for a 10 week season. Each gathering lasts about 90 minutes and will involve some hang out time, a bible discussion and prayer.  

We have 3 new groups meeting this winter:

Tuesdays @ 630pm - Practicing the Way: Scripture

Thursdays @ 6pm - Mixed group Sermon Review in Grants Pass

Thursdays @6pm - Financial Peace University


4-weeks, beginning feb. 11th

Practicing the way: Scripture

Tuesdays, 6:30pm at Journey Church


We are all being formed by something. The scripture is a library of writings both divine and human, that tell a unified story, leading us to Jesus. But are the words in this strange, ancient book still relevant? Do they still mean anything to us today? To Jesus, the Bible is trustworthy. To Jesus, the Bible has authority. The scriptures were designed to be read for formation. To shape us into the image of Jesus. In this book, we find life. In this book, we find a new way to be human.


March 2nd

ready to be baptized?

Baptism is a public display of an inward change. It shows others that Jesus has changed your life

Baptism is a public declaration of how Jesus changed your life. Being baptized shows others that you’ve decided to follow Jesus, and allows them to celebrate this decision with you. 

If you have received Jesus as your Savior and ready for this next step of faith, we'd love to celebrate with you!

Interested? Let us know.

In the community room

Women Gatherings

Join us each month at 6pm (the 3rd Friday of the month), in the community room, as we gather and connect with fun events.